the last night

Hello Friends,
I just finished packing. I packed up all of my gear and weighed it. I think I'm under my weight limitations. At least I hope I am. Worse case scenario I leave my clothes behind, and bring home my camera gear. I'm re-reading this paragraph and it's so crappy. I'm tired. And I'm using I'm way to much. hehehehe.

These last few days went zipping past me. But a lot has happened. On Sunday Vintage Faith Church and First Pres prayed for me and they gave me a chance to talk a bit about my journey and what will happen in the next couple of weeks in Africa. And on Monday night I got to give my testimony infront of everyone at Genesis Upperoom Church. I didn't have anything prepared for any of the times. I just prayed that God would use my lips to do something for Africa.

What did come from it already were some amazing conversations. After each service someone approached me that they have a hear to serve, that they had just returned from Africa too, that they were a photographer, or that they were a young 20 something in need of an older sister to help them figure out what to do after college, etc. At Genesis a man from Kenya was there. And he gave the most awesome testimony and prayer request. He prayed that Christ is the hope for Africa and Africa has hope in Christ. He said it much better than I can re-write now. It melted me.

I even called my bank to make banking arrangements and the lady on the phone wanted to talk about the work that is being done in Africa. I went to Wal-mart to pick up something and a lady started a conversaton about Africa too.

You have all been so generous to me. With your time, prayers, and hope. This is my last blog until I arrive somewhere that www happy.

Blessings to each one of you. Blessings. Remember God is sovreign.


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