My First Trip to Boston

I have taken several trips around the US in the last couple of years. Ever since I have been home from Africa, I can't shake the travel bug. I want to roam the world and see it all, and bring my camera along of course.

After coming home from Africa the first city I visited was Boston. On the hospital ship where I worked, there were lots of crew from Boston. We would sit around after a long ship and talk about everything under the sun, and through this I realized just how much I like Bostonians.

Logically, it was the next city I had to visit and explore. Explore I did. Here are just a few photos of my first time there that I would like to share with you.

South Station Eagle

The sunset that caused me to fall for the city

One of several rooms to the Boston Public Library

Late night desserts in the North End

Visit Boston. It's a great city. Good people with big hearts.


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