A Far Off Place

Scarlett Sofa, originally uploaded by Photo2217.

I should go to sleep and dream of far away lands. Oh wait, I live in a far away land. Oh wait, I live on a hospital ship. I’ll go to sleep now, and dream. Maybe New Orleans?

It’s the ending of another long day into early 2am morning. A day that I was fortunate enough to witness an amazing transformation of an individuals life. A day that I got to meet one of the largest dignitaries in Togo. A day that I wanted to yell in frustration. A day that I saw Togo from the highest location on the ship. A day that I cried to see a baby less than a few pounds cry in her daddys arms. A day that a very dear friend let me pray for her. A night that a dear friend asked me to pray for him as he recovers in the ICU. A day in March of 2010. What a day! Goodnite friends all over the world. Sweet Dreams.

Tonight I pray Psalm 51


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