God Bless you is such a simple phrase

especially when you sneeze.

wouldn't you agree?

Why people in grey cubeland don't say anything at all is beyond me. Ever been in a place where everyone says good morning but to you? Or invite everyone to breakfast but you? Or to the capitol of social cubicle kingdom, the break room, but you? Never? Perhaps? All the time?

I'm personally in the first section. The never.

I'm having Ally McBeal moments all over Grey Cubeland. I want to rock to the Clash super loud on my desk and see if anyone will join me. I want to skank to the Specials and see if anyone will conga line skank with me. Want to paint grey walls red.

Anyone want to join me?


Shannon Marie said…
The gulag won't give me a day pass.
They do not, however, mind that I refer to my employment as "internment" and my place of employment as "the gulag". It's just a forced latte camp.

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