Hollow Shell on Kissy Road

DSC_0142 copy_CANTU, originally uploaded by Photo2217.
morning devotion from Postcards from Heaven....

Dear Child of Mine,

You are not to grieve like those who do not know me as Father. You are not to grieve like those who do not know my Son as Savior. Your grief is to be different. It is to be infused with hope. For you know that Jesus died and rose again, and this is to be the foundation of your hope as you grieve every loss in your life. For He is the Lord over every loss and every heartache. He is the Lord of all comfort and mercy. He is the Lord of resurrection, restoration, and regeneration He is the Lord of Life! And so, in your sorrow, I am asking you to do this one thing. Allow one bright pinpoint of light to enter your darkness. Allow one brilliant ray of hope to penetrate your gloom. Open the door of your wounded heart just an inch or two, and this hope that is your in Christ Jesus will rush in, bringing with it his great, glad tidings,.

“All is not lost!” He will say. “All is not finished, for I have overcome the grave and risen to new life! I am the Lord of lost causes, the God of second chances, the One who died to bring your life!” Listen to your Savior’s words, for…

He is your hope,


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