Standing Between Me & the Wind
Some of you know that my holiday weekend was one of the most memorably exciting weeks. Some of you also know that it was one of the most heart breaking weeks. There is an amazing characteristic about our human ingredients that will forever astound me. We as humans have the ability to bend with the wind, be the wind, and be broken by the wind. What wind you may ask? The wind of circumstance. In one day, no, in a fraction of a moment our lives can totally change. In less than a second that which was, is no longer. That which we thought could never be, suddenly has made permanence. I will never understand that. I will never get that.
There are so many literary, lyrical, spoken references to this. The bible talks about our voice often. He warns us to set a guard around our mouth. He warns us to not promise or curse someone. He encourages us to praise Him, and to honor with love, our brothers and sisters. He gives us a certain liberty to make a moment happen. That is how creative He is, and that is how much He loves us.
I am working from home today. It is raining off and on and I do not feel it is a safe drive over 17. Therefore, I am at home. At my desk. Reading emails from all of my loved ones and co-workers. I sit here prayingly figuring out how I can do this or that for my upcoming projects. News of the bullet shots around Kenya come up on CNN. Thinking about the condition of the hearts of my church community, and if everyone is ok. Wondering why my brother had to be so cruel on Christmas. Wondering if my mother and my relationship will ever be the same. Wondering if I should move out of state or out of the country…all these things are flying around my mind….
(As I re-read this paragraph and think of some of the other things I write…I must sound pretty crazy/normal. I think I just write when I cannot get it right in my head. I like to write out when I am confused. I like to write when I get a bolt of ideas/thoughts but do not know exactly where they go…makes sense?)
I am part of private proposal review for aid to Africa. I have read over a dozen proposals, and about to embark on another review. I have learned so much about Africa because of a few pdfs’ and a few afternoons of reading them. However, this time I think they will be different. I have seen with my own eyes…
I prayed today! I read my bible this morning! Spent some time with my heavenly Father!
He will not break a crushed blade of grass or put out even a weak flame
Is. 42.3
In my devotional poetry book, I read….
Dear Child of Mine,
As you go through this day, know that I am gently protecting you. I am as near to you as your very breath, as close to you as your heartbeat. I can see the fragile state of your emotions. I know how close to the surface your tender feelings are. I am aware that the wick of your spirit’s inner light is flickering in the winds of your dilemma. But you are my child, and I am on your side today. I will not allow the flame of your spirit to be snuffed out. I will stand between you and the wind. I will hold you in them my love until you are strong again. Don not be troubled or afraid. Do not strive in your own strength, but lean into my love. Be strengthened by my Spirit. Find comfort in my mercy.
Your Shield and Defender,
Some of you know that my holiday weekend was one of the most memorably exciting weeks. Some of you also know that it was one of the most heart breaking weeks. There is an amazing characteristic about our human ingredients that will forever astound me. We as humans have the ability to bend with the wind, be the wind, and be broken by the wind. What wind you may ask? The wind of circumstance. In one day, no, in a fraction of a moment our lives can totally change. In less than a second that which was, is no longer. That which we thought could never be, suddenly has made permanence. I will never understand that. I will never get that.
There are so many literary, lyrical, spoken references to this. The bible talks about our voice often. He warns us to set a guard around our mouth. He warns us to not promise or curse someone. He encourages us to praise Him, and to honor with love, our brothers and sisters. He gives us a certain liberty to make a moment happen. That is how creative He is, and that is how much He loves us.
I am working from home today. It is raining off and on and I do not feel it is a safe drive over 17. Therefore, I am at home. At my desk. Reading emails from all of my loved ones and co-workers. I sit here prayingly figuring out how I can do this or that for my upcoming projects. News of the bullet shots around Kenya come up on CNN. Thinking about the condition of the hearts of my church community, and if everyone is ok. Wondering why my brother had to be so cruel on Christmas. Wondering if my mother and my relationship will ever be the same. Wondering if I should move out of state or out of the country…all these things are flying around my mind….
(As I re-read this paragraph and think of some of the other things I write…I must sound pretty crazy/normal. I think I just write when I cannot get it right in my head. I like to write out when I am confused. I like to write when I get a bolt of ideas/thoughts but do not know exactly where they go…makes sense?)
I am part of private proposal review for aid to Africa. I have read over a dozen proposals, and about to embark on another review. I have learned so much about Africa because of a few pdfs’ and a few afternoons of reading them. However, this time I think they will be different. I have seen with my own eyes…
I prayed today! I read my bible this morning! Spent some time with my heavenly Father!
He will not break a crushed blade of grass or put out even a weak flame
Is. 42.3
In my devotional poetry book, I read….
Dear Child of Mine,
As you go through this day, know that I am gently protecting you. I am as near to you as your very breath, as close to you as your heartbeat. I can see the fragile state of your emotions. I know how close to the surface your tender feelings are. I am aware that the wick of your spirit’s inner light is flickering in the winds of your dilemma. But you are my child, and I am on your side today. I will not allow the flame of your spirit to be snuffed out. I will stand between you and the wind. I will hold you in them my love until you are strong again. Don not be troubled or afraid. Do not strive in your own strength, but lean into my love. Be strengthened by my Spirit. Find comfort in my mercy.
Your Shield and Defender,