Trust Me

Those words aren't the easiest to hear, to understand, or to even act upon. Who is asking me for this trust? Why is trust necessary? What do I benefit from trusting? Throughout my life I've come across this request of trust. Trusting in something or someone is always an option at some point in our lives. We automatically trust our parents when we're learning to walk. Our brains somehow know that mom's hands are just a few inches away incase we can't make that next step. Trust is gained w/ girls in school when we describe our latest crush and make them pinky swear that they will not breathe a word of it to anyone. Then there are also the times when one is given the opportunity to trust themselves. Especially when it comes to making life altering decisions. Do I go to college? Do I buy a house? But the words painted last night were asking for a deeper level of trust.

Last night I walked a sacred path. At the doorway stood a long table with small pieces of paper and pencils. Upon which I wrote the words i trust you with _______! I kept thinking who do I trust? What do I trust it about? My mind was swimming with ideas. Money? Career? Love or lack of? Family? loved ones health? When it came down to it, I had to relinquish me. I had to trust in my greater power. A being I entrusted my life to so many years ago. I had to re-relinquish me to Him. All those other things are a part of me...but in order to cover my bases. It was a simple declaration that I trust Him with me. How powerful to let go. How powerful to not be in charge. How powerful to bring to fruition in my mind that He is Sovereign.

Later that night I met with super talented photographers. If you don't know who they are soon will. The lights had come on and people were bustling all around us cleaning and being brotherly towards one another. I could hear the plans for the week. The concerns for the week. Even the very personal prayers for the week. Our lil meeting around the round table was just about to do that too. Josh Wilbur is new to our photo team but seemed so eager to help us out. Even for his own creative visions of what he could share with the publice at this years Advent Art exhibit. . Darren Strottup a super creative photographer. He currently has his images up on our mood walls. His images portray a great sense of space and shines light on modern day farm land. Shannon Marie who had the greatest shade of turquoise on last night. Her brain brilliant and strong. She's new to our team too and has been such a refreshing light. She has a blog/site somewhere too...I'll add it on to the list soon. Her images are terrific. Awesome knowledge of color too. Then Ms. Carmen. She really is an artist at large. She writes a comic of this super cool submarine. She also photographs. But most importantly this talented gal has become a sister to me. I'll write more about these characters soon. They are a great group of people. At the meeting we talked about this and that, and everything in between. But soon found ourselves meeting up with more people at Baja Fresh. That's when the real team stuff started to happened. We talked about Donnie Darko, the best/worst live shows, if we could go to prison, what would be our crime, real taquerias, and photography yet again of course.

Sundays are treasures!


Carmen said…
wow... I got a mention. It was great hanging out with you last night.

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