Easter Rest

DSC_7998 copy [1024x768], originally uploaded by Photo2217.

“You can relax in many places in the world, but you can only rest in Africa.”

This resounds truth. Through many traveled destinations my best quiet times have been on this continent. My spirit is naturally calmed. The rough edges of my soul are smoothed. Africa is the only place where I have consistently just been able to be me. I am at peace with my Creator and His creation.

On Good Friday night, I went for a swim in a nearby beach lagoon. The moon made an appearance and illuminated the waters. A combination of bright moon light, soft temperate wind, and languid waters, became an invitation for rest.

This lagoons depth was approximately chest high. Most likely crocodile free. The only two reverberating sounds were that of an occasional fish surfacing and that of water coming in from the nearby inlet. As I stood in the middle of the lagoon, I spread my fingers and inserted the tips into the black current. The water continued to circumnavigate around my fingers and rushed to be in sync with the other non-obstructed portion of the current. This simple action triggered a time to contemplate the natural flow of earth’s intelligent makeup, and for a brief moment I felt insignificant. What a relief. And it felt good to feel so insignificant. The water swam through my fingers like an assembly of rippled black glass beads and I simply rested.


Kim said…
Nice to read something from the heart. Thank you for sharing.

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